Exploring Neuroscience Through ArtTM
by Michelle Hunter
Michelle Hunter's Artist Resume
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b. 1981 New York, NY
(646) 504-5034
2015 Celebrate Black Art, Pfizer Headquarters, New York, NY
2015 Artist Call, Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, Jersey City, NJ
2014 Neuromarketing World Forum, New York, NY
2014 Michelle Hunter Art Studio, Brooklyn NY
2013 Art.Science.Gallery, Austin, TX
2013 Mondelēz International Showcase, East Hanover, NJ
2012 GO Brooklyn Art Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
2012 chashama booth at SCOPE Contemporary Art Show, New York, NY
2011 CurateNYC, Rush Arts Gallery, New York, NY
2011 Social Tapestry | Mobrit, New York, NY
2010 Brooklyn Arts Library, Brooklyn, NY
2008-10 Cosi (Solo), New York, NY
2008 Art House Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2008 Artist Space, New York, NY
2008 Cornichon Winebar and Cafe, Brooklyn, NY
2008 Southstreet Speak Easy, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Mocca Lounge New York, NY
2011-2013 chashama Studio Residency Program, Brooklyn, NY
2013 Puffin Foundation Ltd. grant
2021 Interalia Magazine, written by Richard Bright, https://www.interaliamag.org/audiovisual/michelle-hunter-brain-series
2020 Scientific Inquirer, written by Brice Marsters, https://scientificinquirer.com/2020/07/17/studio-visit-with-michelle-hunter
2018 am-news.com, http://business.am-news.com/am-news/news/read/36261207/artist
2014 Nordrum, Amy, NYU Alumni Magazine, Issue 23 page 22, http://www.nyu.edu/alumni.magazine
2014 Cover image for Philosophical Transactions B published by The Royal Society http://classic.rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/369/1641/local/front-matter.pdf
2014 Mellow, Glendon, "Like Nails on a Chalkboard," Scientific American, http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/2014/09/12/cacophony-michelle-hunter
2014 Conyers, Grace, “Michelle Hunter's art of science communication,“ American Association for the Advancement of Science, http://membercentral.aaas.org/blogs/driving-force/michelle-hunters-art-science-communication
2013 Zivkovic, Bora, “Rubik’s cube of the mind,“ Scientific American, http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/image-of-the-week/2013/07/02/rubiks-cube-of-the-mind
2013 Mellow, Glendon,“Puzzling out Brain Iconography,“ Scientific American, http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/2013/06/30/michelle-hunter-brain-cubes
2013 “Michelle Hunter: The Art in Neuroscience“, Artograma, http://artograma.com/2013/10/24/michelle-hunter
2011 “Story on Story”, C3 Stories, http://www.c3stories.com/c3s-story-on-story
Private collection, New York, NY-USA
Private collection, Teaneck, NJ-USA
Private collection, Edmonton, Alberta-Canada
2005 - Present Giving Opportunities to Others (GOTO) New York, NY
Board Member, Corporate Secretary / Chair, Scholarship Committee / Volunteer
GOTO, a 501(c)(3) organization, enriches the lives of promising, underprivileged middle school students by immersing them in art and music. This effort is complemented by a series of initiatives that encourage philanthropic awareness and leadership among young professionals.
2010 Masters of Science, Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business, New York, NY
2003 Bachelors of Science, New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York, NY
1999 Degree in Fine Art, Fiorello H. LaGuardia School of Music and Art, New York, NY

All works on this website are copyright Michelle Hunter and may not be reproduced without express written permission from the artist herself.